"When The Abyss Gazes Back" is a continuation of the rollercoaster adventure where the prequel left off. Get ready to delve in to the mysteries of the two towers and meet more incredible supernatural beings!
What Does Being A Beta Reader Involve?
Please Read Carefully And Ensure You Understand What Is Required:
It's simple: You get to be one of the first people to read the book for free, in return all we ask is you tell us if you notice any spelling or grammar errors, plot flaws, inconsistencies etc... that have been missed or added since the final edit (there's always some little blighters that sneak through!). We will then try and get them resolved before the book officially launches.
Any constructive criticism will also be very welcome.
In addition, although it is not mandatory, it would really really help us if you would be willing to post an honest review for our website as well as online. We'll provide you with a web page to write your review while it's fresh in your mind. On launch day we'll contact you with a link and your saved review so you can simply copy and paste it.
Finally, as is the way with Vincent, it's a big book (approx 570 pages)! We would like our beta readers to enjoy it and get back to us with their findings / reviews within 4 weeks so we can schedule the launch. If you don't think you'll have time to do this we would appreciate you not taking up the limited number of spots available.
If all the above sounds good and you want to apply, click next and complete the application. Good Luck! Jump Start Publsihing